Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Picture Is Forming

The picture is forming. Feldgrau and Gibson have stooped to calling me a "Neo Nazi" and a "Nazi War Crimes Apologist". That's an interesting but lowlife tactic to use as an attempt to sway public opinion against me and my works. To date, Feldgrau and Gibson have done nothing more than make unfounded accusations and haven't offered a single thread of hard evidence or scientific fact to prove what they're saying. Of course they've gone through my life experiences with a fine-toothed comb and have attempted to discredit me by twisting facts and information.

But all we have to do is examine the comments made by Feldgrau and Axis members on public forums such as the Amazon thread. My favorite little gems were offered by Michael (Miguel?) D. Miller who is employed as a Shasta County, California probation officer. One would think this individual would be sensitive to cultural diversity being that it's an integral part of his job. However, on the threads Michael D. Miller wrote several posts in reference to the Rabbi Michael Beals of the Congregation Beth Shalom of Wilmington, DE. Rabbi Beals spoke favorably about Directive 19 in a newspaper article.

Michael D. Miller wrote a post wherein he stated "Beals is a fake rabbi pimping Harker's books".

In response to a female who posted in favor of Directive 19 on the Amazon threads, Michael D. Miller posted this response to her: "Don't you have some eggs to scramble and some laundry to fold?"

It's evident where the anger, hatred, Anti-Semitism and sexist emotions are. Of course when confronted with his own statements, Micheal D. Miller changed his username ("sockpuppets") and hastily deleted these horrible, hurtful and damning statements. But that didn't make them go away. "Screendumps" are available. I ask you, is THIS the kind of person you'd feel comfortable with as a probation officer? If not, let the department know what you think of this behavior at:

It must also be noted that Miller has sent me several childishly charming but unsolicited and harassing emails. How did he get my email address? More than likely it was inappropriately given to him by John P. Moore. In my opinion Moore is a disreputable wolf in sheep's clothing who baited me into conversation and then ran back to Feldgrau to share the information I gave him. Only he twisted and distorted the facts in an attempt to bolster their silly little campaign. Moore more than likely shared my private email address with those who sent me harassing emails thus implicating himself in the problem.

I'm looking forward to the Holiday weekend! Conversations and more legal updates will be available next week.

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