by phylo_roadking on Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:19 am
All, with the emasculation...oooer, missus!...of PGV, this thread has come at last to a close.HOWEVER - this thread grew out of the investigation into "Directive 19" and "Honour Denied"...and with the unwitting assistance of a very important person in the plot - Paul Kenneth Harker himself - investigations into the books proceeds. The investigation into PGV and all associated, has - by definition - come to an end...but even as it did so, it came to an end with a flurry of VERY tasteless activity on PGV by "Author"......and it ALSO showed JUST how wrong and out of touch he is with the modern, Internet world.TWO things we should all bear in mind though...First of all - NEVER EVER underestimate the amount of data that is available out there in the big wide electronic world. I have been amazed - even with MY knowledge - by just HOW much was OPENLY available in records, data systems, websites etc. Mister Harker seems to have chosen to see someone hiding under the bed - when in actual fact, he simply didn't realise his life story was shining above the rooftops in neon lights. Public finance records, work records, copyright comfirmations, police's all there to see openly and legally if you know how to look.That's a VERY bad assumption to make - and a very important fact to miss - "when first you set out to deceive" As I said before - the PC IS mighter today than either the pen or the sword...Secondly - this thread will stand in commemoration of the efforts of a considerable number of us here; not just those with valued and valuable input...but all of you who even just read the thread, and checked the detail for themselves. For a full six calendar weeks, PGV was rendered ineffectual by knowledge - REAL knowledge in the hands of REAL people, as opposed to faked and misrepresented fiction from the mouths of cardboard cutouts. And THAT is the business we're in here, all of us - REAL knowledge.
This is EXTREMELY articulate for a vinyl/pvc/rubber/strap-on wearing weirdo into rimming and watersports. However, his asinine statement of: "Public finance records, work records, copyright informations(sic), police records" is TRUE. However, he's going to end up owing me a lot of money because international law states that though these records may be public, NO ONE can reprint or reproduce them without the "EXPRESSED, ORAL OR WRITTEN CONSENT" of the person named in these records. This is where our favorite clown has incriminated himself in "Personal Privacy Invasion" offenses. Look it up - google it - ask a lawyer - I'm right. You're wrong. Thank you. I'll look forward to putting in a pool.
Laughably next is his statement: "This thread will stand in commemoration of the efforts of a considerable number of us here..." YES IT WILL! And your libelous posts will stand as testament to my victory. As we speak there are individuals being looked at in Belfast, Sterling, VA, Glensdie, PA, Redding, Ca. and we're nailing down locations for Slater and Munoz. Great job! Thanks for the thread on Feldgrau! You're burying yourselves!!!
I'm sure it makes Phylo "feel like a man" to THINK PGVet was "rendered inneffectual by knowledge" though the proper grammatical sentence would have been: "rendered inneffective by knowledge" (but pretty good attempt with your limited education!) - but PGVet has been temporarily and voluntarily closed down during the course of this lawsuit to prevent harassment and intimidation of its members - which HAS taken place and which HAS been reported by its members. Not to mention "backdooring" of the site, illegal password acquisitions, content alteration AND access. You might "think" you're good with a PC but you're really lousy. We have you dead to rights with breach times, log-in attempts, password breakers and logged site time. That's in a bundle and will go before a judge. How silly can someone be?
Now lets move on to another quote on Feldgrau by the rimming strap-on watersport lover:
"by phylo_roadking on Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:01 pm
It appears our friend has been at work again. Luckily, since I began this, I've occasionally Googled my various usernames the moment I became aware of Mister Harker's penchant for impersonation and sockpuppet users, and I've been doing it with increasing frequency.You should do it - Google your own name. It's fun! A while back I found a blog entry from a guy who was REALLY disgusted to find out when he Googled his own name that he shared the same surname with one Ed Easley....Early today I discovered Mister Harker's latest and less-than-professional comeback to all this; a number of rather tasteless accounts on various UK and international sex contact sites set up by someone on a U.S. IP address and using my various usernames on various sites as the account names. Fortunately - I don't care, except the freemail addresses they were opened from wouldn't have challenged any worthwhile mail to ME - AND in this modern age of identity theft and data security, webmasters react VERY well and very quickly to emails from a UK IP address about a supposedly UK profile on the sites concerned...except the accounts were opened by someone on a U.S. IP address... "
ENOUGH! EVERYONE!! DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR AND DECIDE WHO THE LIAR IS HERE! Contact Sex In The U.K. through their "Contact Us" tab and do what I did - simply request confirmation of whether or not the Ornebridges account was opened with a local U.K. IP address or a foreign one. As they told me - they'll tell you. The account was opened with a U.K. IP address, Northern Ireland. In my opinion Ornebridges is a little pervert who can't even get a date on the internet and now wishes to cover his sick tracks by blaming me for them. Look at my blog posts below. But again - if Ornebridges is telling the truth - answer these questions:
- How would I have known his personal email address to open the account?
- Why would I have opened the account MONTHS before my path crossed his?
- How would I have known his username?
- How would I have known his TextChat ID number?
"Oh pu - leeze, cover your tracks better. Find a decent proxy site or three...So - good try - but no cigar. As Hilary said to Bill... Really - is THIS the only way you can reply to ANY of the criticism of "Directive 19", "Honor Denied" and PGV??? By deploying you sockpuppets AGAIN? And do THESE numbers mean anything to you, Paul?docket no 01303-92 file #24431, def. id#57256; case no: 92 90088Think carefully now....1992 was a long time ago..."
Yep! Those numbers indeed mean something. Does DUI, Simple Assault, Failure To Pay Child Support or Failure To Appear mean anything to members?? I know it does. Oh what fun!! You're so right! The PC is an AMAZING tool!!
"by phylo_roadking on Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:47 pm
LOL no need for excuses when you have the truth behind you. Which is the one thing entirely lacking from Paul harker, so much so he's back to fabrications again. Which is sad, just reverting to type again. You'd thing EVERYTHING we'd found out at least deserved a NEW tactic of some sort??? BTW Michael, it's funny you should mention defences and magistrates.... "
Phylo - did you graduate from school? I'm just wondering because of your numerous spelling and grammar errors. I mean, you must be a REAL CREDIT to Feldgrau and your "professional historians and authors" when you can't even spell correctly or generate a proper sentence. Or are you reeling, backpeddaling and typing so fast to save face that you're just making mistakes in your confusion?
Yes it IS funny Michael D. Miller. You're going to need a good defense for a magistrate. Did I mention the ADL and ACLU are involved?? Oh... but YOU said you contacted them. No you didn't. I did. That's how I know you didn't.
You also said you contacted the Federal Trade Commission to complain about me. More lies. Nothing there. You also said you lodged complaints about my books for Consumer Fraud. Nope. Nothing shows there either. In fact, to lodge a complaint of Consumer Fraud you have to PROOVE that the product you're complaining about is falsely represented. You can't do that. You never could do that. So this is just more piss, wind, dog-and-pony-show smoke-and-mirrors from trying to convince the internet world that they know what they're talking about. You don't. But that's ok because my lawyer does.
"by John P. Moore on Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:58 pm
I just posted the following comments to Amazon. Brent Sampson is the publisher of Harker's hoaxes. I would think that Sampson would want to distance himself from Harker. I wonder what motivates him? On August 9 I sent the message below to Brent Sampson and have not had the courtesy of a reply. Draw your own conclusions.John MooreDear Mr. Sampson, I am moderator of the Authors forum on the Feldgrau Web site and have made some positive recommendations there about your "Sell Your Book on Amazon" You should also be aware of the negative publicity that one of your clients, Paul Harker, has been receiving that reflects unfavorably on you and your business since you have promoted his publications on Amazon.viewtopic.php?f=21&t=29227&start=0Best wishes,John P. Moore"
Thank you John P. Moore. Harker's Hoaxes? You stated the above as "context fact" rather than "opinion". Do you know that you just committed libel? Thank you! We had fun with this one today! Watch what you say! It's all about context, fact and opinion when you're printing and publishing statements. Show us your hard proof and evidence that my works are hoaxes. You can't because you don't have any. I have facts and data to back my works. The fact that I didn't share this research with you is what ticked you off. And by the way - you're also the one I corresponded with in CONFIDENCE from the site and YOU'RE THE ONE that shared my personal, private contact information with MICHAEL D MILLER who sent me numerous harassing, unsolicted and unwanted emails. You invaded my privacy with your carelessness. Why I wonder? No worries. I'll look forward to your answer in court.
Why doesn't Mr. Brent Sampson "distance himself" from me?? He's not! HE'S DISTANCING HIMSELF FROM YOU!! I'd expect a publisher would have a lot more clout, credibility and respect than some off-the-wall free-web-site-forum blowhard trying to be heard by people who don't care about what he has to say! As you said - "You'd think " he'd want to distance himself from me. That pretty much shows how much respectable people care about what YOU think!
"by phylo_roadking on Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:09 am
I note today that out friend has "closed" PGV according to the on-screen - AFTER removing the failed personal attack on me and others based on his faked evidence LMAO SImilarly, Wikianswers removed ANOTHER libellous attack on Feldgrau and others.
Sorry there "Superstar". You're wrong again - as usual. PGVet has been temporarily and voluntarily closed pending my litigation against And Wikianswers DID NOT REMOVE A LIBELOUS ATTACK ON FELDGRAU - They shut down your asinine thread upon our request because you were publicly abusing ME and their system with your B.S. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OH WEARER OF RUBBER - IT WAS BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID THERE. And go to the library or take some night courses. I bet you can learn to spell and use proper grammar in no time at all!
THIS however is a gem - from his closing statement on PGV
The attacks include password hacking, altering of information and unauthorized access.... Our friend's behaviour in ALL of this - Directive 19, Honor Denied, PGV, SS-Armory, Medievalonline - can be summed up in ONE Gospel reference...Luke 13:26
By their works ye shall know them. And every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fireGetting warm, Paul?"
Now - do you quote the Bible while engaging in watersports too?
He seems to like us!!! free advertising LMAO
Yep! People have been emailing me with how much they enjoy your threads! You personally made a mockery out of Feldgrau, Phylo! Enjoy your self-adulation (or self-pleasuring or whatever it is you do... by the way... try eHarmony or those sites are more respectable than the S&M whacko sites you post on!)
In closing for today - again we've seen what damage can be done by blind mice who pretend to be professionals. John P. Moore was respectable until he demeaned himself by engaging in this free-for-all and in so doing he committed libel himself. Follow your Clown-Leader Phylo if you will. He's doing Feldgrau an incredible disservice by making the site and its members able targets for legal action. Follow him if you will - as he marches down the avenue leading his libelous campaign while dressed in high heels, vinyl and while sporting a strap-on. I'm sure he looks good to himself but you need to see your little leader for what he is. is a funny little web site that claims to be "apolitical" but yet they're overly concerned about me and my works. See these people for what they are. They've called me a "Neo-Nazi" and a "Nazi War Crimes Apologist". I'm neither. However, my books are about the Holocaust and "Feldgrau Management" doesn't want you to believe my books. We all know the Holocaust happened yet and their "professional authors and historians" have said my books aren't true. In my opinion they're openly denying the Holocaust by trying to convince you that books about it aren't true. Wasn't it the Nazis themselves who tried to burn and bannish books?
Finally - laugh at me and call this another boisterous lie if you will. But legal action is pending against you. It will take a few months for the process to ripen. I'm fine with that. I know what's going on. Apparently you don't. But as I've been advised - the statute of limitations for libel is 1 year. That means you're looking for a knock on your door from now until June 2009. It's coming.
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